With only a few more days until Christmas I hope everyone is full of Christmas spirit. Also are you finished with your Christmas shopping? 🙂
In Denmark the 24th of December is the most important day where family gathers together and celebrate Christmas. It is also the day we exchange Christmas presents and usually they are opened after dinner. The feeling of having your loved ones opening your package is just indescribable.
I believe most of you have been through a lot to get the right Christmas presents, decorations and foods. With only a few more days until Christmas I hope you managed to get the things you needed, but I also want to say that it is ok if you did not get what you were supposed to buy. Honestly I have not been out a lot compared to the other years, because you can really tell that people are stressed and that Christmas is nearing.
In these days we need to get the last presents and foods for the big celebration and I can understand that you can be more stressed and grumpy than usual. But is Christmas really about getting the right presents and foods? Is Christmas about being stressed and grumpy?
I admit it is easier to be a kid before and during Christmas, because you just have to wait and receive presents. Kids do not need to plan their month to see when they have time to go out and buy the right stuff. You also do not have to consider what to buy and what to eat. I just want to say Christmas is not about getting the best gifts and it is certainly not a competition about giving the best and most expensive presents to the people you hold dear. Christmas is about being with your loved ones and spend time with the people that are important to you. You may have gone through a year without spending much time with your family, so use this opportunity to have a warm cozy time with the people you love.
Remember another year has passed and everybody have been busy with several stuff and we may have forgotten about the people around us. Use Christmas as an opportunity to appreciate what we have and cherish the people around us. Not everything can be exchanged for money.
Life is not about getting and having, it is about giving and being.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Glædelig jul!
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