
This page is showcasing selected work of mine. Most of my work are related to UX Research, Design, Prototyping and Test.
Latest projects will be shown first.


Startup Idea: Health Passport

Considering the COVID-19 pandemic it will likely be inevitable to travel around the world freely without some sort of a vaccine passport. I used Figma to work on this concept and the idea is to have an app that shows the most basic information on the front page. Here you can easily and quickly see if the person is vaccinated or not. Detailed information can be found by using the menu. The idea is to have a QR code that can be scanned by authorities to confirm the reliability of the shown vaccination information.

Startup Idea: Burger App

Burger App.png

This app is a concept I worked on with Figma. In recent years Denmark have seen a surge of burger restaurants and foodshops. Denmark is also a burger loving nation, so I got an idea to create an app for burger enthusiasts. The idea of the app is to have a specific app that are dedicated to burger lovers, so it is easier to find and recommend burgers in a Copenhagen with likeminded users.

PERE: Instagram Integration

The development team found out that Instagram integration is possible on the platform, but the UX and UI has to be designed before coding. I used Adobe XD to design the flow of the solution and to get feedback from the head of UX and head of frontend. Afterwards I made the final design with Sketch where I also made sure to create a good UI.

PERE: Usability Assessment of the Platform

When I joined PERE it was important to asses their platform to understand their business and solutions. At the same time it was also about sharing my findings and insights from a UX, usability and business perspective. In the end the findings were translated into new tasks to the development team.

Startup Idea: Minimalistic Bracelets for Girls

People from my network got ideas about making bracelets for the Asian market with certain characteristics. My role was to design concepts based on Danish design and certain materials. My sketches were made with different programs. My designs are based on my research on the recent market trends and the mood boards I have created.

CodeZense: Home Device

I got a list of requirements and features that I should be aware of. My main task was to design an aesthetic and presentable device. The device is situated at home settings and makes it possible to adjust different things.

DSB: Vacation Solution

The vacation solution they have were very limited and too complex to use. Everyone agreed that it can be simplified. I researched on existing solutions and also had workshops with users to understand their needs and potential features. I designed a simple prototype that could be integrated into the operational platform or into another internal app depending on the managements decision.

DSB: Reporting App

The management wanted this app, because DSB employees needed a simple reporting solutions to report damages, incidents, errors and the likes. My role in this project was to execute a workshop with different operational employees to see if the developed solution is usable. The workshop were designed with different sessions and the app got great feedback. After some slight changes I also tested the app with other end users to validate the solution.

DSB: Testing Final UI of Operational Platform

A lot of features and requirements have been added to the app since I started working on the UX. The design and UI have also changed a lot by me and people involved in the project, so it was about understanding if the end users know how to use it. I defined different user tasks and tested the app with different users.

DSB: Redesigning Intercity App

DSB have been working on an idea for intercity employees. Since this user group have different tasks and requirements my role was to gather data and to redesign the app into something useful.

DSB: UX Research and Design of a Schedule App

I was in charge of an app for a specific employee group to simplify their work and to make it easier for them to follow their schedule. I conducted research, developed prototypes with Axure RP and tested with end users.

DSB: Prototyping and Testing Operational Platform

The first DSB app I worked with were the operational platform. Project managers and developers had worked on a temporary solutions, but they were unsure about the UX and usability of the app. I tested the app with end users together with a simple wireframe prototype I have designed based on the user insights I previously collected. After the test conduction I analysed the test results and had a discussion with the project manager and developers to define requirements and future work.

DSB: Field Studies and Interviewing End Users

DSB wanted to work with UX and they wanted it to become an integrated part of all relevant digital projects. My role was to share my UX knowledge and use my UX experiences in specific app projects. Firstly I gained knowledge from different people from the IT Department. Afterwards I did field studies at different train stations and also inside the trains to understand the work of the operational employees. I also asked questions without interrupting the employees work. I arranged meetings and interviews with specific employee groups at their resting offices to gain unique inputs. All the research tasks I defined were to ensure I got a broad knowledge about their work, obstacles and different scenarios. The project managers and developers were surprised by the data results I gathered.

Foopla: User Testing and Validation

Since a developer joined us we could finally implement and test a well functioning webshop. All the company and user requirements were added to the webshop with the help of me. I also ensured that everything were presented well in Danish. Together with the team I managed to find a handful of users to test the webshop to understand if there are any bugs and to understand what we potentially need to work on. I allowed the users to test the webshop with the think a loud method and gave them specific user tasks during the test presentation.

Foopla: Webshop Development

During my time at Foopla we executed many workshops and I also supervised two servicedesign students to share my experiences with UX research, design thinking, facilitations, user involvement. This resulted in many different research, workshop and wireframing activities to improve and expand the Foopla solution. It also gave birth to ideas of a platform for shop owners.

ServiceLovers: User research and Testing

I was briefly involved were I helped to understand the UX and usability of Servicelovers app. Servicelovers were founded based on an idea and developers were paid to make the app, but when I was involved they had no idea how the UX were. I presented some usability observations, spoke with users and tested the app with specific tasks with three different users. In the end I presented my findings and gave my recommendations regarding the app. My recommendations were aligned with what In2media proposed.

Foopla: Testing the Foopla Concept

When I joined Foopla the team had made some sketches for their platform and they had arranged sessions with a couple of users. My role was to present the concept to the invited users and ask about their opinions about the concept. We got inspired by the different sessions and we gathered all the inputs and improved the concept.

CodeZense: Telecom App

The team made a telecom app for both customers and end users. The UI of the app were really impressive, but my task was to assess the UX, flow, terminology and data presentation.

Danish Science Factory: Improving Events With UX Research

Danish Science Factory have a yearly science event with competitions for young people interested in science, innovation, technology, sustainability and related fields. My project was to plan my data gathering and assess on the user experience of their events with focus on the young contestants of the competitions. Based on the objective of the project I planned and designed my research on the regional and national event. My research was primarily qualitative and I presented my research results shortly after the national event. Danish Science Factory were grateful for my work and they got som great ideas about how they can improve their events even further.

CodeZense: SpotOffers

An app for restaurant deals and takeaway were developed. I conducted user research and analysed the app through a usability assessment. My assessment resulted in a simplified flow and expanded some features.

Scientific Article: Comparing LCC with LCA to Assess PSS Sustainability: The case of the Eco-Box


A scientific article was published with me as the main author. It was based on the work I have done on my master thesis. The idea was to understand how a Product/Service-System (PSS) temporary building sustainability could be assessed by comparing Life Cycle Costing (LCC) with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). It was the first time that LCC and LCA were used together, so it created a lot of interests from different universities, scientists and researchers.

DB Products Limited: Headphones

I designed headphones based on Danish design and a list of criteria. The headphones also have a feature that are not seen on any other headphones. I started by designing different concepts and narrowed it down to my final design. My design also considered manufacturing and material use. I fulfilled the objectives and also made presentation slides available to share with collaborators.

ONELINKUP: Design of golf memorabilia

ONELINKUP reached out and wanted me to design a golf memorabilia with my Danish design knowledge. The intention is to manufacture it as gifts for a golf charity event. Within this project I also had graphic design tasks related to the box of the gift and for the charity event. The charity event became a success and the golf memorabilia got distributed to many donators.

VELUX: Developing Ideas and Generating Business Models

Based on a student competition held by VELUX I got invited to execute an innovation project with VELUX. I attended a workshop and discussed several ideas and business models with key employees from VELUX. Afterwards I worked with idea maturation and pitched my results with the VELUX management.

Various projects with different companies during my bachelor and master degree at DTU (coming soon)!